Giving back through life-changing experiences for children and youth.
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Giving back through life-changing experiences for children and youth.
Live Like Casey, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit foundation created in honor of the life of Casey Andrew Lohne of Medford NJ. Casey was killed in a tragic car accident on July 5, 2019, shortly after graduating from Shawnee High School. Casey planned to attend Salisbury University in Maryland and work as a student manager for their football team.
Casey had a passion for working with kids and wanted to study physical education so he could become a teacher and a football coach one day.
Casey's love and enthusiasm for sports was contagious. You would see Casey on the sidelines of every Shawnee Football game waving a towel to get the fans "pumped up".
Casey's involvement at Shawnee High School was one of his many great experiences. He was a manager for the football team. He also participated in track and field, and the stage crew for plays and musicals. Outside of school, he played Marlton Street Hockey, Medford Youth and Athletic Association's (MYAA) Flag Football as a player and then a referee, and MYAA Baseball as a player and then as an umpire. Casey's love of sports extended to every Philadelphia sports team as well as a lifetime love for the Ohio State Buckeyes. Casey was always seen wearing sport apparel for each of these teams he loved.
You would also find Casey organizing games with the kids at Deerbrook Swim Club and his beloved neighborhood Oakwood Beach. Casey spent his entire childhood playing and fishing at Oakwood Beach.
Casey was always prepared for a pick up game at anytime. He never went anywhere without being prepared to play football, basketball, wiffle ball, street hockey baseball or even the chance to cast a fishing line with a hot dog as bait.
Casey's heart was pure and filled with love. He truly loved life, his family, his friends and teammates. Our hope is to spread that love far and wide.
Our Mission is to provide supports to encourage:
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals in supporting children and youth. Your generous donation will fund our mission of spreading love and living like Casey!.
Trinity Vodovoz
Jack Welsh
Andrew Abbott
2022 Shawnee Football LiveLike Casey Award and Scholarship Recipients.
Trinity Vodovoz, Jack Welsh, and Andrew Abbott
Your generous donation helps Live Like Casey, Inc. continue our vital work in the community. Every contribution makes a difference!
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On behalf of the Live Like Casey Foundation, our family, friends and all those who love Casey: We will never have enough words to truly show our love and gratitude to everyone who supported the 1st Annual Live Like Casey Kick Ball Tournament Fundraiser. To say the day was a huge success, is truly an understatement. From our generous sponsors, donors, volunteers (including the 31 NHS students from Shawnee, Seneca and Cherokee), participants, delicious food, spectators, and the awesome band: Imbroglio; we are truly honored and humbled.
To our LLC Project Kick Ball Team; this amazingly beautiful day would never have happened without you. To Jenn Dion, Jillese Cobb, Kristin O'Dowd, Tina Plummer, Carleen Kurtz, Sheila McGlynn, and Casey's best friends and brothers Patrick McGlynn & Drew Ellis, who took the time to meet every week over Zoom for almost 3 months to bring this all together! Not only did you give your time, but most importantly, you loved us and gave us the strength to allow everyone to come together in love and play the day away just like our Casey!
To all of our neighbors, friends, family and to our new friends; to see over a hundred people come to play and live like Casey, you have filled our broken hearts with love and humility. To be able to spend the day watching all the teams (of all ages) compete, hearing Casey stories, the sportsmanship, camaraderie, watching the older kids mentor and support even the littlest of our littles, and seeing the young children who Casey adored for so many years. This is what makes Casey's legacy, love and spirit live on. You all gave Craig, Aidan and me hope. Hope that our beautiful boy will never be forgotten. This day was exactly what Casey would have wanted.
Casey's light and love was shining down on us the entire beautiful day. I am pretty certain he would have challenged some of the play calling, in true Casey fashion. Most importantly, he would have loved how all ages came together to have fun and play. Especially when the adult volunteers ended the day with a kickball competition unlike no other!
This 1st annual event was filled with fun, laughter, kindness, compassion and love. People came from far and wide, including those who never new our Casey. Your kindness and generosity will allow us to spread Casey's love in supporting local children and youth, no matter the skill, the ability, or need: in ensuring they always have a chance to play!
To all the children, old children/adults always remember to Never Stop Playing and Always "Live Like Casey"! We thank you and can't wait to see you all again soon!
All our love,
Beth, Craig, Aidan and our Angel Casey.
Beth Lohne
Founder & President
Craig Lohne
Trustee & Vice President
Aidan Lohne
Kristin O'Dowd
Trustee & Secretary
Patrick McGlynn
Trustee & Treasurer
Andrew Ellis
Trustee & Fundraising
Cody & Cade Rommeihs
Trustees & Events
Chris Cogan
Trustee & Director
Photo Courtesy of Noelle Roberts Photography
Learn more about our upcoming events, fundraisers, and more!